In honor of Mother’s Day, I am honored to shed light on two topics that are often overlooked in the early (and later) stages of motherhood: incontinence and pelvic floor pain.
Yes, that little bit of uncontrollable pee during a running, jumping rope, or sneezing is not uncommon, but it is NOT NORMAL. Fables of old will have you believe that this is something all moms will have after childbirth, and you just have to accept it as part of the motherhood package. This is so wrong. That annoying leakage is treatable. Like any muscle, your pelvic floor can get weak and lose control after trauma, but it CAN be taught to contract at the correct time again!! Breathing patterns and easy exercises and activity modifications go a long way to build up your tolerance to allow for you to return to what you love, whether that’s running or laughing so hard your belly hurts. Be patient. Learning to re-activate your pelvic floor is not a simple on-off switch. Like any muscle, it takes time to build endurance back up to a level that results in completely leak-free running or exercise.
Pelvic Floor Pain
Like tightness in your upper traps and neck after a car accident, your pelvic floor can hold an increased amount of tension after trauma. This can cause (dun dun dun) painful sex and is honestly a huge bummer for something that is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. When you are dealing with pelvic floor pain, learning to relax those pelvic floor muscles is the biggest hurdle, but there are techniques and things to do that can help! (And Kegels are definitely NOT the answer.) Having a conversation with your partner about what sex positions and angles feel best is HUGE. Avoid the painful positions until you can relax and enjoy them again, overwise you can cause more tension and pain.
C-Section Considerations
Just because you had a c-section, don’t feel like I forgot you! Everyone’s birth story is unique, and having a c-section is a successful way to give birth. Just because you didn’t have a vaginal birth doesn’t mean that your pelvic floor wasn’t stressed for 9 months of supporting the weight of a fetus and your growing uterus. You can have these issues too!
Mothers, it is time to STOP suffering in silence because it is taboo to talk about or because you’re embarrassed to mention these issues to anyone. They are treatable, and Sports Performance is here to help! Mothers, after everything you do for your loved ones, you deserve to be taken care of, too!
As always, we hope this helps! For any questions and all suggestions, please email us at
If you want to know more information about how we can help, get started with a FREE discovery phone call.
Click the following link -> DISCOVERY PHONE CALL.
– Dr. Stephanie

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