So you’ve been doing the same workout for the last year, how do you know when it’s time to get a new workout routine. What signs should you be on the lookout for? Below are 4 indications that you need a change in your workout routine.
1. Boredom. A huge part of adhering to an exercise plan is enjoyment. Once the enjoyment or excitement of a workout program (or even 1 workout in that program) is gone, the motivation to complete those workouts is going to disappear. The minute you start to dread going to the gym to complete your workouts, you need a new workout plan.
2. No more gains. The human body is very intelligent and adaptive which means that after a period of repeating the same things over and over again we require less effort and energy to complete the workout. Without the stimulus of a challenge, our body will plateau and stop producing the physical changes we see at the beginning of a workout program. When you stop seeing the physical gains (whether it’s muscle growth or weight loss), it’s time for a new workout program.
3. You’re not sore OR You’re always sore. Soreness is a great tool when determining how our body is reacting to a workout. You know that sore feeling you get after doing a new workout for the first time … I know you know … that crazy glute pain whenever you try to sit down or the abdominal pain whenever you sneeze or laugh … those little indicators we use to determine how much we crushed it in the gym the day before. Listen to those! We can use soreness to determine if our body has adapted so much to a workout plan that we are no longer reaping the benefits. On the flip side, if we are constantly sore, day after day, with no break that can also be a sign that we need a new workout. If our current plan is too repetitive it’s not allowing our muscles the rest and recovery needed to make gains and growth. Use your soreness or lack of to determine how your workout program is working for you.
4. It’s too easy. / You’re not as exhausted. When we reach a point where our workouts have gotten too easy or we are not as exhausted at the end of our session, we need to rethink a few things. The easier workouts become, the less effort our body is using to power through those workouts which means we are less exhausted at the end of our session. Monitoring our heart rate and our rest times can help us determine if our workout routine has become too easy. If your heart rate is always low or isn’t being spiked during your training sessions, let’s find a workout that’s more challenging for you. If you find that you are needing less rest time to recovery between sets, your body isn’t being challenged the way it should be.
Here’s my challenge for you!
Take a look at your current workout program … are you experiencing even just one of the 4 indicators above? If so, give your workout a makeover; find something that stimulates and challenges your body so you can get the results you want! Need help changing up your workout routine, I’m here to help!
As always, we hope this helps! If you have any questions or if you would like to read about certain topics, feel free to send us an email at TeamSP@SportsPerformancePT.com.

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